Once again this year, we held a Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary’s Church, St Margarets. We were so pleased that the community got involved again, including some new tree holders this year.
Despite the storms, we had 90 visitors over the weekend who came along to enjoy the beautiful trees. We also had some seasonal refreshments, some craft items for sale, a tombola and activities for the children.
Thank you to everyone who braved the weather to come along and support this weekend. We raised a gross total of £403.78, which will go towards the work and upkeep of the church.
Thank you to all our amazing tree holders and to everyone who came along to help over the weekend.
On Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th December, 2–6pm, we held our Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary’s Church, St Margarets.
The church looked beautiful all lit up with the trees that had been provided and decorated by local groups and businesses. Powell Funeral Services donated the tree for St Mary’s and Gini Trower from The Wallen Garden kindly loaned us two of her wonderful rooted trees. The amazing nativity scene at the altar, made by Mary Youngman and on loan from Hertford Baptist Church, was much admired by our visitors. We had some delicious cakes, biscuits and mince pies for refreshments; a raffle; a scavenger hunt for the children and some lovely craft items on safe.
The whole event was a brilliant success, with over 130 people coming along to get in the festive spirit over the two afternoons, and we were able to raise over £450. These funds will go towards the upkeep and work of the church.
We would like to thank everyone who helped: organising beforehand, providing and/or decorating trees, making cakes, volunteering as helpers, donating raffle prizes etc. It was a great team effort and we had some lovely feedback from those who came along.
Images: View from outside, Craft Stall, Our Memory Tree, The Three Villages Magazine, The 3 Churches Benefice Wednesday Coffee Morning, St Andrew’s Card-making Group, 1st Stanstead Abbotts Brownies, Age UK, St Andrew’s Primary School, Bobtails Playgroup & Teddy Club, Hoddesdon Ladies Club, Woodland Beavers Colony, St John the Baptist Church, St Mary’s Church, Nativity Scene by Mary Youngman (Hertford Baptist Church).
To mark All Saints’ and All Souls’ we held two special services: on Wednesday 1st November (All Saints’ Day) at St Mary’s Church, St Margarets and on Sunday 5th November at St Andrew’s Church, Stanstead Abbots.
Our All Saints’/All Souls’ Services of remembrance were quiet and reflective services, open to all who have lost a loved one. We were glad to see lots of members of our church family, as well as members of the wider community, coming together.
Rev’d Dr Sarah said, ‘It is privilege to walk with people through the difficult times of loss and grief, and to be there to encourage and bring hope when things seem dark and difficult. Remembering is important, and it is good to look back and see where we have come along the journey and to find God has been with us even when we weren’t sure He was at the time.’
As many of you will know, the local Foodbank Hub operating out of St Margarets’ Parish Church (St Mary the Virgin) began life in December 2020, after discussions with Rev’d Dr Sarah Forrest. Through her links with the schools, the increasing strain on individuals and families during the Pandemic became apparent, and the idea of a local hub delivering to people in the villages was taken up by us as a benefice. We now regularly deliver Foodbank parcels to people in need, many of whom would struggle to get to Hertford or Ware to pick up what they and their families need.
The 3 Churches Foodbank Hub is always in need of donations. When we have specific requests, this will be noted in our News & Notices sheet. Donations can be dropped off on Wednesday morning between 10.30–11.30am at St Margarets Parish Church or to Sue Webb at 8 Miller Lane, Stanstead Abbotts.
Any donations are gratefully received. Thank you for your continued support!
If you have any questions, do get in touch with Lyn Paddon, The 3 Churches Foodbank Manager (07925039723).