St Andrew

Cups on a String: a TLG/Riding Lights Performance

On Wednesday 16th October, we were delighted to host the Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) / Riding Lights Theatre Company production, ‘Cups on a String’, created to mark 25 years of TLG bringing hope and a future to struggling children across the UK.

Here at The 3 Churches Benefice we are passionate about the charity TLG and the important work they do. We are actively involved with Make Lunch (running Make Lunch Club on Mondays and Fridays during the school holidays) and Early Intervention (with a number of Early Intervention Coaches in our Benefice, who mentor children once a week in school). With this in mind, we wanted to support the national tour of ‘Cups on a String’ and host a performance.

‘Cups on a String’ is a warm-hearted and moving new play, developed from remarkable true stories. Challenging, surprising and beautifully hopeful, ‘Cups on a String’ takes you into the heart of the friendship between Heather and Joe, and the profound impact it has on them both.

St Andrew’s Church was a hive of activity on Wednesday afternoon as the stage was set. The doors opened at 7.30pm and we had an audience of 65 strong. The performance was really good and it was a great evening.

Thank you to those who hosted the performers and for everyone who helped on the evening with tasks like ushering, refreshments and car park duty.

Remembrance Sunday 2023

We held two outside services in honour of Remembrance Sunday on 12th November: one at the War Memorial at St Andrew’s Church, Stanstead Abbots and another at the Amwell Lane War Memorial, Great Amwell.

These were poignant services. As we all stood together, young and old, we remembered those who have suffered far greater hardships than a bit of rain: those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we might live in freedom and peace.

At St Andrew’s, we had a thought-provoking address by General Sir Nicholas Carter about the nature of service in the armed forces. To quote just one of the important points he made:

‘My generation has been privileged to grow up with veterans who understood the horrors of war, but as each year passes, we lose these veterans, and as they depart the coming generation is not touched so personally by the memory of war. Our challenge in this unstable world is to make sure that this new generation understands that the nature of war never changes – it is always violent, it always causes great suffering, and its first casualty is always the truth. And that is why Remembrance must never be a moment to glorify war, it must be a moment to remember why it must be avoided at all costs.’

Thanks go to the General for taking the time to come and share with us. He was very impressed by the turn out, especially of our youth groups.

It was a great moment of community spirit and we thank everyone involved in the services or who came along to pay their respects.

‘We will remember them’

All Saints’/All Souls’ 2023

To mark All Saints’ and All Souls’ we held two special services: on Wednesday 1st November (All Saints’ Day) at St Mary’s Church, St Margarets and on Sunday 5th November at St Andrew’s Church, Stanstead Abbots.

Our All Saints’/All Souls’ Services of remembrance were quiet and reflective services, open to all who have lost a loved one. We were glad to see lots of members of our church family, as well as members of the wider community, coming together.

Rev’d Dr Sarah said, ‘It is privilege to walk with people through the difficult times of loss and grief, and to be there to encourage and bring hope when things seem dark and difficult. Remembering is important, and it is good to look back and see where we have come along the journey and to find God has been with us even when we weren’t sure He was at the time.’