Bishop Alan, the Rt Rev’d the Lord Bishop of St Albans, who has been visiting all the churches in the diocese over the time of his episcopacy, came to St John the Baptist, Great Amwell on Sunday 19th January to lead and preach at the 9am Eucharist Service.
It was wonderful to celebrate Communion with Bishop Alan in our beautiful church, with the church family and the wider community. He even got involved with some bell-ringing, which has been a passion since he was a teenager. As many of you will know, we have a historic set of six bells (with the earliest dating from sixteenth century, called ‘Come all ye faithful’) all hung with wheels so they can be rung full circle.
Churchwarden, Richard Mellor said, ‘The Bishop’s visit to St John’s was welcomed by the congregation. He gave an amusing yet powerful sermon and he left us with much to consider. He joined us for refreshments after the service and chatted to everyone, who enjoyed the opportunity to meet him and talk to him.’
Rev’d Sarah said, ‘It was a joy to have Bishop Alan visit us in these last few months of before his retirement, and to receive a handwritten note from him following his visit in which he expressed a real pleasure at being with us. Please remember Bishop Aan in your prayers as he prepares for retirement.’