Welcome to The 3 Churches Benefice

Great Amwell with St Margarets and Stanstead Abbots


St John the Baptist, Great Amwell
9:00am Every Sunday

St Mary the Virgin, St Margarets
10:30am Every 3rd Sunday
Midday Every Wednesday

St Andrew, Stanstead Abbots
10:30am Every Sunday

Please do check out the Diary for details of special services

Our churches sit in a triangle of countryside in the three villages of Great Amwell, St Margarets and Stanstead Abbots, and serve the community by working together to bring God’s Good News to everyone.

We seek to make space for people to meet God in worship and prayer, to belong to God’s Family and join our fellowship, and to get out and show God’s Love through social action and working in our community. We have close links with our two Church schools and are blessed by being able to work with the teachers, staff and children.

We want to welcome everyone and to help them to walk closer with God, discovering together what it means to ‘live life in all its fullness’, as Jesus promised we would!

Rev’d Dr Sarah Forrest
Vicar of the Benefice

Download Most Recent News & Notices Sheet HERE

Mothering Sunday is just around the corner!
Join us for our special Mothering Sunday Services on Sunday 30th March: 9am at St John the Baptist, Great Amwell and 10.30am at St Andrew’s, Stanstead Abbots.

Services during Holy Week
We have lots going on during Holy Week. Find out details on our poster HERE.

Consultation on the next Bishop of St Albans
When Bishop Alan retires at the end of May, there will be a vacancy in the episcopal See of St Albans. This is a significant moment for our diocese as the process of discerning who God is calling to be our next diocesan bishop begins. You can find out all about the process (including an informative video) here: an overview of the process. At the heart of this process is the Vacancy in See Committee, which represents the breadth of our diocese. One of its key responsibilities is to prepare a ‘statement of needs’. To ensure that this statement truly reflects the ministry and views of the whole Diocese, we are being invited to participate in the consultation process. We have been asked to take the time to consider and respond to three key questions:
* What fills you with joy and hope about the ministry and mission of the Church in the Diocese of St Albans?
* What are the challenges and frustrations, and what would you like to see change?
* What gifts, qualities and experience do you think are needed in an incoming bishop?

Submissions can be made online or by completing a form and posting it to the diocesan office:

Rev’d Sarah features on 50 and Coping? podcast
Did you know that we were working together with Coffee and Coping for the new Hope in Action Group that meets on Wednesdays, 5pm at St Mary’s Church, St Margarets? As a result of this partnership, Jim invited our Rev’d Sarah to answer some tricky questions about life and faith. Check it out at: https://youtu.be/PzfVgu3vo7Q. 50 and Coping? is a podcast video show that looks to explore people’s coping mechanisms to trauma and mental health issues. You can find all the episodes linked here: https://www.coffeeandcoping.org/podcast/.

Hope in Action: new group
We have partnered with Coffee and Coping Hertfordshire to support their new group: Hope in Action. This group concentrates on addiction in all forms, for concerned family members as well as addicts. It runs on Wednesdays, 5–6.30pm in St Mary’s Church, St Margarets. No booking required – just drop in!


Our Parish is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSO). View our Safeguarding page HERE for more information.

All the churches have PA systems and Induction loops, and children are very welcome at all our services.

Please do get in touch with us if there is any further information you would like,
or anything you would like us churches to include in our prayers.

For contact information please see the Contact Us section of the website.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him”
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